Photo of Professionals at The Law Offices of Campana, Hoffa & Morrone, P.C.

The Experience You Need.
The Results You Want.

Photo of Professionals at The Law Offices of Campana, Hoffa & Morrone, P.C."

Helping Clients Navigate Through Divorce


Divorce is one the most difficult and tumultuous experiences an individual may ever face. If you are planning to file or recently learned that a spouse filed for divorce, you need to understand what lies ahead and learn more about your options. At Campana, Hoffa & Morrone, P.C., we provide compassionate and personalized representation for individuals who are facing divorce.

We understand that, for many, the divorce process can be highly emotional, confusing and frustrating. We also understand that the decisions you make during your divorce will significantly impact your life for years to come. Our team of vigilant attorneys is here to support and guide you through this difficult time.

Providing The Information And Advice You Need During Your Divorce

In addition to the dissolution of a marriage, there are numerous other personal and financial aspects that must be considered, addressed and decided upon during a divorce including:

  • Child custody and visitation — Should you petition for sole or joint custody? What about a co-parenting plan?
  • Division of assets — What assets are considered marital property? How will assets be divided? How will a family business be divided?
  • Division of property — Should you try to stay in a family home? Should you sell a home to pay off marital debt?
  • Spousal support — Should you petition for spousal support? Do you think a spouse will seek alimony?

When confronted with the reality of divorce, the process and all of the related choices and decisions can seem overwhelming. At Campana, Hoffa & Morrone, P.C., we provide you with the information and insight you need to make decisions that will ultimately benefit you and your family.

Speak With A Knowledgeable Attorney

To learn more about our family law practice and how we can help guide you successfully through the divorce process, call a lawyer at 570-279-4163 at our Williamsport law firm or contact us online.