Helping College Students Get The Future They Deserve
Many of us look back fondly on our college years, both smiling and cringing at some of our experiences and mistakes. While being a young adult is widely recognized as a time of exploration and self-discovery, some mistakes and errors in judgment can have serious consequences.
At The Law Offices of Campana, Hoffa & Morrone, P.C., we represent college students who are facing criminal charges. For a college student, the penalties associated with a criminal conviction related to a DUI, drug possession, underage consumption or sexual assault include not only costly fines and possible time behind bars but may also mean the end of a student’s college career.
When Your Future Is At Stake
A college degree opens doors to a brighter future, and today, it’s more important than ever to graduate from college. If you are a college student who is convicted of a crime, you may lose your federal student aid. Additionally, you could face disciplinary action and be suspended or even expelled from school.
If you are a college student who is facing criminal charges, it’s important to seek the advice and assistance of a seasoned attorney who has your best interests in mind. We can help you understand what the charges against you mean, explain what your options are and answer your questions. We can support and represent you throughout the criminal defense process. We will always be on your side and will fight to ensure that your rights are protected, preserved and upheld.
Answers To Common Questions
It is normal to have various questions and concerns when facing criminal charges. We take great pride in offering personal service, which means you can get direct and knowledgeable answers from an experienced lawyer who genuinely cares about your future success. Some common questions college students may have when facing criminal charges include the following:
- Will I face expulsion for underage drinking? In some cases, criminal charges can affect your college career. A conviction for drinking under 21 could lead to removal from school or expulsion from certain school programs.
- What penalties will I face for possession of a controlled substance? Depending on your criminal history, this crime could result in expensive fines and time behind bars. It could also result in removal from school.
- Should I hire a local attorney if my child is facing charges? There is a significant benefit to having a local attorney for your child. We know the local judges and criminal justice system, and we understand what it takes to effectively defend your child.
- Can campus police or a landlord search my dorm? Some dorm and landlord agreements grant search permission to authorities if they believe it is necessary. We can review your agreement and determine if they violated your rights in any way.
You deserve to have a complete explanation of your rights and options when facing criminal charges of any kind. Our lawyers provide skilled defense representation to students at any campus in the Williamsport area and throughout Central Pennsylvania. We also offer legal support for kids facing or dealing with juvenile criminal charges.
Learn How We Can Assist You
Call a lawyer at our Williamsport law firm at 570-279-4163 to discuss your situation and learn more about your options and how we can help. You can also get in touch with us online through our contact form.