Helping Clients Move Forward

Defending Against Federal Criminal Charges


Being charged with a federal crime is a serious matter. It means that you are up against the unlimited resources of the federal government. Punishments for federal convictions are the harshest, and the conviction rate in Pennsylvania is above 90 percent.

Effective Federal Drug Charge Defense

Without question, when you face trial in federal court, you must bring a full arsenal of defensive measures with you and the best federal crimes defense attorney you can hire. You want a lawyer who is familiar with the federal system and who is comfortable with the heightened urgency of federal cases.

At Campana, Hoffa & Morrone, P.C., we defend clients against charges of:

  • Federal white collar crimes, including every kind of fraud such as Medicare and Medicaid scams
  • Drug trafficking and distribution
  • Conspiracy
  • Racketeering
  • Federal sex offenses
  • Weapons violations

Our firm defends business executives, public officials and everyday people who get caught up in sensitive legal matters. We can defend you, too.

Attorney Robert A. Hoffa, who heads up our federal criminal defense team, is licensed to appear in the U.S. Eastern District Court, the U.S. Middle District Court and the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia. He has gone into federal courts many times and obtained positive outcomes for clients with serious legal problems.

Have You Been Charged With A Federal Offense?

Mr. Hoffa also accepts white collar criminal cases at the state level including check fraud, forgery, embezzlement and identity theft.

Our experienced team of defense attorneys is here to help. Contact a lawyer through our online form or by calling our Williamsport office today at 570-279-4163.