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Were you injured at a music festival or concert?

On Behalf of | Aug 17, 2017 | motor vehicle accidents

It’s summertime, which means that we are in full swing of music festival season. While the opportunity to see many of your favorite artists in one place (and hopefully discover some new favorites) is an amazing feature of the festival experience, these events also hold tremendous potential for serious injury.

Festivals generally take place in large, open venues and bring in many different vendors who work together or in spite of each other to create the experience as a whole. When you add potentially thousands of attendants to the mix, it is easy to see just what miracle it is that serious injuries are not constantly occurring.

If you do suffer an injury at music festival, be sure to seek out medical attention immediately. Any festival should maintain a first aid station or several throughout the event space. In some cases, you may require more involved medical attention. The priority should always be placed on obtaining all the care you need as soon as possible.

Once you are reasonably safe, you can consult with an experienced attorney to examine whether your injury may justify a personal injury lawsuit.

Who is liable for a festival injury?

This is not a simple question to answer, because festivals operate very differently than other types of businesses, and even differently from traditional music venues. In almost all cases, the owner of the underlying property bears some responsibility for the injury, but they are not the only party facing liability.

Depending on how and why you suffered an injury, an injury lawsuit might also name a particular vendor, such as the company that supplied equipment or stage rigging for the event. The organizer of the even may also face liability.

If you sought medical care from the event’s first aid station, and the medical care provider acted negligently, it is possible that you may have a medical malpractice suit in the mix as well.

With festivals, there are so many components at play that it is not possible to know whom to pursue for fair compensation without first understanding the details of your experience.

Do not hesitate to reach out to an experienced personal injury attorney right here in north central Pennsylvania if you do suffer an injury at a festival this summer. You should not have to spend your time an energy pursuing fair compensation for an injury — focusing on your recovery is enough of a job in itself.