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Signs a driver has road rage (and why others should steer clear)

On Behalf of | Nov 2, 2017 | car accidents | 0 comments

Driving should not be an eventful activity when everyone on the road is being safe. People should get from point A to point B without stories of near-accidents or dangerous drivers.

However, when there is a driver experiencing road rage, he or she can make even a short trip unnecessarily strenuous and frightening. With that driver in the area, the lives of other motorists, passengers and pedestrians can be in danger, as drivers experiencing high levels of frustration, stress and anger have the potential to cause a serious motor vehicle accident.

Signs to watch out for

Below are some signs that a driver is dealing with high levels of aggression and anger behind the wheel.

  • Speeding
  • Revving the engine while stopped alongside or behind the target of their frustration
  • Blocking other people’s paths or cutting them off
  • Using offensive hand gestures
  • Yelling or screaming at other drivers
  • Sudden, unnecessary braking
  • Weaving through traffic
  • Excessive honking or flashing lights
  • Following drivers too closely
  • Getting out of a car and approaching other drivers’ vehicles

Why it is important to steer clear of these drivers

If you see signs that a driver has road rage, then it is important not to engage in the situation or provoke the other driver. Doing so could only make matters worse. People experiencing road rage can have an extremely short fuse and may lash out in catastrophic ways, as exhibited by one Pennsylvania driver recently accused of road rage resulting in a fatal shooting.

If you are injured in an accident involving road rage

In the event that an aggressive, angry and dangerous driver does cause an accident or injuries to other drivers, it is crucial that victims hold the perpetrator accountable. If you are in this situation, then talking to an attorney can help you understand your rights and the legal remedies available to you.