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How can I protect my privacy during divorce?

On Behalf of | Feb 8, 2018 | high asset divorce

Divorce is a difficult process for anyone. In most cases, divorcing couples must tackle difficult areas like categorization and division of assets, child custody, name changes and the payment of child and spousal support.

If you are in the public eye or have a particularly sizable marital estate, then you can also be dealing with concerns over how to keep details of your divorce private. Confidentiality is not an issue for everyone, but if it is one for you, then you should know what steps you can take to protect your privacy.

Opt for mediation

As this article on mediation notes, mediation protects confidentiality during a divorce. Cases that go to court are generally public matters, meaning the details go on record and can be available to the public. While there may be options to seal the records, mediation can be a better option for ensuring that details remain private.

Stay off social media

Perhaps the easiest way to give up your privacy during divorce is to disclose details yourself on social media. Venting on Facebook or sharing photos on Snapchat or Instagram may seem harmless — especially if you have a private account — but understand that once you share something online, others can easily share or access it.

Consider confidentiality clauses

Signing a confidentiality clause is perhaps one of the most aggressive ways to ensure privacy during a divorce. A confidentiality clause is a legal agreement that comes with legal consequences for violating it, and it can prohibit both parties from discussing the details of the divorce or each other in public.

Discussing these options with your attorney

If you have concerns regarding confidentiality during your divorce, then it can be wise to address them with your attorney. Failure to do so could result in missed opportunities or missteps that jeopardize your privacy and open your case up to unwanted attention or scrutiny.